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Attention: Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

BRAND NEW: The 7-Day PCOS Diet Plan: Menu, Shopping List & Recipes For Achieving a Healthy Body!

Love To Know Exactly What To Eat To Calm PCOS Signs and Symptoms & Finally Feel and Look Well?

pcos diet plan

The 7-Day PCOS Diet Plan shows you how to "transform" your diet to get more energy, diminish (even eliminate) your symptoms and eat well... Easily!

  • Get your delish 7-day meal plan

  • Healthy step-by-step recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner

  • A shopping list to simplify the process


    Yes, It's Actually Easy To Follow!

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    Cook & Enjoy!

    Hey gorgeous...

    Do you find it hard knowing that the right food can change your life...

    That the perfect PCOS diet can relieve your signs and symptoms...

    But struggle to know what the ideal food plan looks like?

    What if I shared a way to follow a PCOS-specific diet, designed with taste in mind, that fulfilled the criteria you need to get well?

    And that it's closer than you imagine.

    You don't need to see another health professional, consult any more specialist or spend more time searching the scary (inaccurate) depths of Dr Google.

    PCOS Food Plan: Recipes, Shopping List & Meal Planner

    Tired of wondering what to eat?

    Our 7-day food plan provides delish PCOS-friendly recipes,
    a weekly planner and shopping list to remove any stress
    around eating right.

    11 Secrets for a PCOS Body Beautiful, Naturally

    Learn what women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome need
    to know about healthy weight maintenance...

    What foods help, which foods hinder and how to get and
    stay well.

    "In general as a person, I feel amazing living that way. I have sung your praises to all of my friends with PCOS. I can’t ever thank you enough – but thank you."



    Yes, Dr Rebecca's Advice Actually Works!

    "I feel now that I have the power to control my body, instead of continuing to let my body control me."

    Stacy Miller

    Raleigh, USA

    "I have suffered from PCOS for years and tried everything. Dr Rebecca has found the way to win the battle! Highly recommend, it really will change your life."



    "Finally answers to so many questions...

    Thank you very much!"



    "Changed my life and my PCOS is on the mend. I have a new lease on life.

    If you have been in the dark until now, wait and your life will begin again anew."



    "Now I'm in control of PCOS... it doesn't control me!!

    It's a life saver both mentally and physically!"



    "Spot on with recommendations for improving PCOS symptoms. In just three months I've seen major changes in my mood, energy levels, elimination of gastro issues, and a stabilized menstrual cycle."




     The 7-Day PCOS Diet Plan

    The 7-Day PCOS Diet Plan graphic

    The food you eat matters greatly. I believe that without the right eating habits, you cannot conquer your PCOS. But it's hard. Keto, paleo, low carb... What's - and who's - right?

    I've been helping women with PCOS for well over a decade. Exclusively. I've created this food plan to remove the food dilemma. To give you the exact step-by-step instructions to eat well.

    Years of research and clinical expertise are wrapped up in this food plan plan so you can read, shop and go.

    After all, food is meant to be enjoyed!

    PLUS… three awesome bonuses!

    the pcos diary

    The PCOS Diary: Printable eBook

    Our gorgeous, inspiring printable diary. Come to understand your challenges and strengths, and track your goals and your progress.

    Be inspired by beautiful quotes.

    pcos book

    Conquer Your PCOS Naturally eBook

    Get your very own copy of the Amazon bestselling book, Conquer Your PCOS Naturally.

    This book has helped those with PCOS around the globe to calm their signs & symptoms and take back control of their lives!

    personal pcos recipe stash

    The Recipe Secret Stash

    These recipes are unique and designed with PCOS in mind.

    Nutrient-rich and delicious, each one was created by an experienced chef.

    They are so secret they come "as is", without design, and ready to tantalise your tastebuds.

    Get everything for a teeny $7!

    Oooh... I NEED THIS!

    "I have made several notes and acted upon several of the recommendations. I have noticed significant difference in mood stabilisation and overall well being."

    Angel Rodrigues



  • Want to achieve and maintain a healthy PCOS body beautiful

  • Are finished fumbling about with trial and error 

  • Are tired of being told to "just eat less and exercise more" 

  • Wish for your every day to become easier, energised and enjoyable

  • Want to learn which foods help and which ones hinder 

  • Are prepared to put in some effort 

  • Will implement what you learn 

  • Want to live life to its fullest 

  • Want to go all-in 


  • Won't implement what you learn 

  • Don’t see how your actions can have positive impacts

  • Would rather continue as you are (change is required) 

  • Prefer the pill-alone option 

  • You really don’t believe food is therapy

  • Are not open

  • Will find it too difficult to eat a little differently to others

  • satisfaction guaranteed graphic

    I’m a woman who’s received a PCOS diagnosis, just like you. I understand the concerns associated with purchasing a digital product. You might have done this before and not received the value you needed.

    I have a decade of clinical experience and know just how important trustworthy, evidence-based resources are. I only create products designed to deliver results. I know anyone who invests and implements will love, love their purchase.

    Because I believe in this wholeheartedly in this product, I’m offering a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. While I can’t guarantee individual results, I can assure your satisfaction with the content and the quality of Food secrets for a PCOS body beautiful.

    If you’re not thrilled, I will refund your money.


    When do I get access to my resources?

    Super quickly! We'll send you an email soon after purchase so you can get started promptly.

    How long do I have access?

    They are yours to use forever. We've been around since 2011 and will provide access for our lifetime. You are in great hands.

    What if I can't open the files?

    Most of our files are delivered as PDFs. If you don't yet have access, Foxit Reader is a free tool that will enable you to easily open our files.

    Should I try Paleo? Keto? Low carb?

    If I had a dollar for every time I am asked this question! While these diets may help short term, the long term health consequences appear dire...

    High-protein and high-fat diets both increase insulin resistance, which as we’ve just talked about is linked to PCOS and disease…

    Keto can trigger short-term symptoms like constipation, dizziness, fatigue, headache, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, trouble tolerating exercise… known as the keto flu. Long-term it can lead to a fatty liver (which is already more common in PCOS), kidney stones, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

    Even more worrisome, studies involving 10s of 1000s of women have revealed that a low-carbohydrate diet based on animal sources increases the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, cancer and all other causes.

    What if I really need some emotional support?

    I know that making change can be challenging. If you'd like support, come join our beautiful Facebook group. I'll send you the link after you've purchased. We'd love to see you there!

    Will this bundle stay the same teeny price?

    No. Helping women with PCOS is my purpose and my passion so I keep our products as affordable as possible, always. Sadly, tech, support and other costs don't stay still. So I am not able to give a price guarantee into the future.

    How do I make the most of this?

    Take action. 😊 Seriously, implementing what you learn may change your life. Saying that we are all on a unique journey. You don't have to implement everything today. Slow or fast, progress is wonderful progress. Whatever your pace, commit to daily action and your results will inspire further steps.

    Can you guarantee results?

    While it would be lovely, if anyone ever guarantees you results in the health field, run a mile. We are each so different it is both impossible to do and unethical to suggest. Results depend on your commitment, too.

    What if I change my mind?

    If you change your mind and feel this isn't right for you, we stand by our 100% money-back guarantee. Just contact us within 30 days of your purchase. Easy done. If you feel comfy doing so, I'd love to know why so we can continue to improve our products and deliver the very best.

    pcos diet plan

    The 7-Day PCOS Diet Plan shows you how to "transform" your diet to get more energy, diminish (even eliminate) your symptoms and eat well...



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